Sunday, September 5, 2010

"The Newly Wed Game"

This week we played a newly wed game of sorts. We each got the list of questions a few days before so we could think about what we were going to say. On the day, we interviewed each other using our video camera. We figure it might be fun to have someday and we will probably put it in the time capsule we are working on. Here are the questions we each answered:

What was your hometown like?
How well did you get along with your siblings/parents/teachers?
If you could re-do anything from the past, what would it be?
What were you like in grade school, junior high, and high school?
What are some of your happiest memories from your childhood?
List four dreams (two fun and two practical).
List two fears.
What are two of your favorite breakfasts, lunches, dinners, desserts, and snacks?
Name three hobbies.
How did you meet mom/dad?
Name three of your favorite traits of mom/dad.
List two of your favorite traits of each child or your favorite memory of each child.
What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
What is your favorite color, book, animal, and movie?
What is your happiest memory?
What was college like?
List three pieces of advise.
Anything else?

It was fun to hear how similar some of our answers were! We sure think alike these days! It was also a fun way to tell Dave that I am pregnant! I took the opportunity to ask him the "anything else" question of "How do you feel about adding another baby to our family in May?" He was pretty excited!

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